Debora was on her way home thinking how fun time she had with Juan. She was kinda surprised with that. She wasn't expecting him to have a good heart within that cold attitude. She took the keys to open her house door and her mum was cooking dinner.
- Debora what took you so long?
- Sorry mummy - Debora kissed her mother's cheek- I'm sorry I was helping someone. He fell and I helped him getting home..
- Oh ok sweetie. Go a bit to your room if you want to. I'm finishing to cook dinner. When it's ready I call you.
- Sure^^ Thanks mummy.
Debora got up through the stairs and took books from her bag. She had the chinese homework to do. Her teacher was so cute.She had to find a way to get closer to him.. and supporting classes would be the best way. In reality, she really needed those classes because she didn't understand any about chinese. She was trying to make that homework but couldn't really. She decided to try anyway..
- Debora.. dinner is ready!
- Ok mummy, I will go now..
Debora and her mother had a good time getting dinner. Both told each other about their days. Then both cleaned all and went to sleep. They both had a busy day..
Next morning, Debora's clock was ringing for her to get up to school. Today her mother couldn't take her to school because had to be earlier at work. She would have to go on her own to school. She got up, washed her face, brushed her hair and her teeth and got dressed.
She was walking to school when she saw Juan. He also saw her and waited her to get near him. She saw that he still had the bandage in his leg and couldn't walk properly.
- Hi^^
- Hey.. I didn't know you lived so near..
- Yes, its near your house^^ How do you feel? is your leg better?
- Yes it is a little bit better..
- I'm happy for that.. so I see that i can kick it anytime right? ahah
- Not that better ahah
- Hey, you are laughing? I didn't imagine you could laugh ahah
- I'm not a scary monster.. I know that I have my attitude but..
- Yes, yes.. you are the kind that bark but doesn't bite ahah
- You are the kind that doesn't bark but bite. See my hand? It still has the mark of your teeth on it..
- Ahah.. Really? Let me see it closer..
- Better not.. you might bite it again..
- Don't be silly.. Why would i bite it again? I already have what i want..
- Oh really..? Where?
- Here in my bag.. let me find it..
Debora was looking for her cell when she saw that she didn't have it.
- Oh.. my cell.. I can't find it >_<
- ahah sure you can't find it. I have it.
- Huh? How?
- Yesterday you forgot it. So seems that now you have nothing to threaten me with ahah
- Oh really? Ok you can keep that..
- Huh? Really? So you don't need my help?
- No I don't^^ It's ok I have my talents.. I already have an idea to make our chinese teacher look at me ahah
- What? Our teacher? Are you crazy? - said Juan a bit jealous.
- Yes our teacher^^ What is the big deal? He is almost our age..
- You are out of your mind really..
- No, I'm not.. anyway don't comment this with no one ok?
- Of course I will.. that's crazy.. besides I don't think you have any chance..
- Oh.. don't I? Wanna bet?
- Bet what?
- If I get him.. You have to show our video to everyone in school.. If don't then I do anything you ask me..
- Anything??
- Yes, anything.. but nothing pervert huh?
- Ahah but you said anything..
- Ok.. I dont see that guy not looking at me.. so ok whatever..
- Don't worry I won't ask you nothing pervert.. I can get a girl without stupid bets..
- Yes i know that.. but only stupid ones ahah
- Like you? thats why you like me?
- Me? Don't tease me ok? ahah I will like you only when cows have wings ahah
- Ok.. lets see then..
Debora would say something to Juan when she saw her teacher.. He was looking really handsome that morning. Wearing a black jacket and tight black jeans. Really sexy. He saw her and waved. She waved back with a smile on her face. Not a silly one, she knew how to be discrete.
- So what is your plan to get him? - said Juan.
- You will know then.. Now let's go to the class.
- Ok let's go.. - Juan was walking too slowly so Debora took his hand for him to walk faster. Juan's heart started to beat faster when she grabbed his hand. He was thinking how good would it be if she could even notice him. But all she saw was that damn teacher. They were walking and Monica appeared.
- Debora, what are you and Juan doing together? Are you a couple? - she said surprised but smiling.
- What? a couple? No way.. - said Juan taking his hand off of Debora's.
- No, we are not together. Just was telling to this pirate without leg to hurry up ahah
- Hey, I have a leg.. What are you calling me??
- Whatever.. ahah Let's go Monica^^ It's our cute teacher class and today he will fall for me.
- What?? ahah what will you do?
- Come with me to the bathroom.. I will show you ahah
Debora and Monica left Juan behind and both went to the bathroom. There Debora took a mini skirt and a sexy top and put it. Monica thought that her friend was really looking good and told her that she had a great idea. Both left the bathroom after put a bit of make up and was all ready.
In the class, Debora was paying attention to her teacher and she noticed that he kinda was looking at her. A lot really. She was thinking that her plan was working when Juan sent her a note saying :" Your plan won't work never.. Those granny clothes is all you've got? ahah ". Granny clothes? What is he saying? He will see.. She wrote on the back of the paper: " These clothes are the best.. It's normal you don't know because you never dated a girl.. You are still in dinosaur's time.. He feels attracted to me you moron.. Just watch this.. " she sent him the note. He read it and sent her back: " What will you do?" she answered: " Kiss him.." she sent him with a provoking smile. he answered: "ahah i doubt he can kiss you.. he will fall on the floor first so disgusted he will be when see your face closer ahah" she made an angry face when read it and replied: " if girls can like you, he also can like me.. you are the most disgusting guy I ever saw.." he read her note and didn't answer more. She saw his very sad face when read it. She wrote a note saying: " what's wrong?". he read it and wrote: " I guess you are right.. we better don't be friends anymore.. Thanks for your help yesterday.. and good luck with teacher.. forget our bet ok?" she read is note and was feeling a bit bad with what she said that only because his angry. Not for him to take serious. She wrote a note back saying: " No, I want to be your friend. Sorry if hurt your feelings I didn't mean that.." Juan replied back saying: " I know you meant that.. I was a stupid thinking you could be my friend.. Don't message me more.. I won't reply.." she read what he said and got really angry. How could he dare to be so stupid? She said sorry why now all this drama? Ok if he doesn't answer is ok. I won't beg his attention. Debora didn't answer anymore. She was thinking why he acted like that. Seems that maybe in his past something happened. But he should apologize to her because was so rude..
Class finished and teacher said if someone needed his help to tell him and he would give private classes for students to understand better. Debora decided to talk with him..
- Hi Sir.. Sorry I really am not understanding this.. Can you please help me today after classes finish?
- Yes sure.. Just wait me then..
- Ok^^ See ya then..
- See ya^^ by the way.. you look pretty today.. - said Lee a bit shy and thinking in what he said. He was her teacher couldn't say those things. But just his feelings talked stronger. Since first day he saw her he felt a big attraction and today was even more. She was really looking sexy and he just couldn't avoid those words.
- Thanks^^ - Debora said looking confident- You also look very handsome today..
- Ohh.. Yes.. so we better talk later.. - Lee got out of the classroom as fast as he could. He really thought he went too far with his comment and wanted run away from there. Debora was thinking that her teacher was really cute being so shy. She was already dreaming with her date later.
Classes finished that day and Debora noticed that Juan everytime that saw her just looked to other place. One time, she even tried to get close to him but he just walked away. She wanted to say sorry in his face but he wasn't letting her. When she went to the school's door she saw him walking home. She called him:
- Juan.. wait.. - Debora grabbed his arm.
- What do you want? - asked him with an angry voice.
- I want say sorry..I didn't really mean you are disgusting.. I didn't think you would take that seriously..
- I know I am disgusting.. So why don't you just leave me alone?
- But you are not disgusting.. I'm sorry.. - Debora said feeling really sad. Her tears started to come out because she noticed how sad he was.
- Hey.. don't cry ok? - said Juan looking worried- Ok I am not disgusting.. but don't cry ok?
- Really?.. - said Debora smiling a bit.
- Yes.. but don't cry.. I hate when girls cry.. I don't know what to do. You better stop that ok? - He said in a sweet way.
- Ok^^ So we are friends again?
- Humm.. ok.. but don't get too excited huh? It's nothing..
- Yeah, yeah- said Debora laughing and kissed his cheek.
- What is this? - said him when she kissed him- I hate kisses. Who said you can kiss me?
- Bla.. bla.. enough ok? ahah stop being so annoying.. was only a friend's kiss not a big deal. Anyway I gotta go. I have something to do.
- Like what? You don't go home?
- Yes I will but I need do something first here. See ya tomorrow.
- Oh, ok.. See ya tomorrow..
Juan walked home and Debora got back to the school door waiting for her teacher. He explained her things in school and tried to get far from her. Only focusing in the matter. When the explanation finished they noticed it was raining and Lee offered himself to take Debora home. He had an umbrella and she didn't. Both lived near each other so was ok if he took her home.
- Thanks for lending me your umbrella - said Debora smiling- or else I would catch a cold.
- Oh.. its ok.. I live near you so it's nothing really..
- Yes but you are my teacher.. You could not want people to see us together..
- Why not? We are only teacher and student so is all ok^^ I'm just taking you home..
- Yes sure.. - said Debora a bit disappointed but not letting that be noticed.
Suddenly, rain started to be more intense and both ran and Debora's house was the first place they found. Debora opened the door and went to the bathroom take two clean towels to dry herself and also for Lee.
- This damn rain.. Here take this towel.. - said her.
- Aww thanks.. - said him a bit embarassed looking to how sexy she was looking with her hair all wet.
Debora noticed that he was always looking at her and decided to come closer. She grabbed the towel and started to dry his hair. He was feeling very shy and wanted to take the towel off of her hand but touched her hand and his heart started to beat even faster. Debora put her face closer to his and he couldn't resist more. He started to kiss her very passionately. She was feeling too happy. Suddenly, they heard the door beat the noise of something falling on the floor. Debora and Lee step back and looked to Juan that just let a bouquet of beautiful red roses fall. Juan just left looking very sad and disappointed without say a word. Lee also left thinking in what he just did. Debora was thinking how good the day was being and now Juan was sad she didn't know why. She went to catch the roses where she found a note saying: " I'm sorry for hurting you.. I want be your friend always.." Debora smiled after read that and decided to go after Juan to explain him what happened.
Guys what Juan will do now? Will he listen to Debora explanation and tell her about his feelings? or will he ignore her and act cold? You guys decide^^ Please vote^^
Love Stories

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2010
domingo, 31 de outubro de 2010
Chapter 3^^
Classes were finished. Debora and Monica were talking about how they loved to go shopping one of these coming days. Monica saw her bf waiting for her outside of school and told Debora to meet him..
- Debora, this is my bf Lance^^ baby this is my new friend Debora^^
- Hi Lance^^ nice to meet you^^
- Nice to meet you too Debora^^ I never saw you here before. Is it your first day?
- Yes it is. I just came to this city days ago. I'm happy to have Monica as friend now^^ I was not very comfortable because I was feeling out of place you know?
- Yes thats normal^^ Me too when came to live here past year happened the same but then my baby- Lance looked to Monica with dreamy eyes- made me feel happier to come here^^
Debora was thinking how lucky Monica was to have a very sweet bf and wishing she had the same someday. He was holding her hand and kissing it many times.
- Sorry guys, I gotta go. Nice meeting you Lance^^ and see ya around.
- See ya Debora^^ take care, see ya later.
- See ya tomorrow Debbie, said Monica.
Debora was walking out of school and on her way she saw Juan with two strange guys. She was seeing Juan giving money to them. Ohh, is it drugs what he is buying?- thought her. She decided to hide behind a car and silently tried to listen what they were saying.
- Hey, you are late with the payment. What do you think you are doing? This is the last time this happens huh? Or next time we wont accept it and you are dead. Get it?
- I'm sorry I couldnt find it earlier. I promise that i wont be late again.
- Yes you better! Anyway, take this then.
Debora saw that Juan was grabbing a package with some pills. It was so obvious that he was buying drugs. She decided to wait till the guys go away and steal it from him. She wouldnt let that he took that. She didnt know why exactly but she felt that she needed to help him. They left and she saw Juan grabbing the package and taking one pill. She started to run and when he would put the pill in his mouth she took it from his hand.
- What do you think you are doing? That's mine!
- Not anymore. Why are you buying these stuff? Are you out of your mind?
- What I do or not with my life isn't your business. Why do you even care about what I am doing?
- I dont care of course but i hate people that take drugs. I cant stand that.
- Thats your problem not mine. So if you dont mind give me that pill.
- No, i wont give it..
- Give me that - Juan touched Debora hand and tried to take the pill off of her hand. She stepped back and could take her hand off of his and started to run.
- Hey, come back here! - Juan was running after her too and suddenly fell off and got hurt in his leg. Debora heard the noise and saw how his leg was bleeding and went to help him.
- Are you ok?
- What? Do you think I am ok? Because of you my leg is bleeding cant you see?
- Yes, I can see. I'm sorry. Let me help you..
- I dont need your help. I can get up on my own - Juan was trying to get up but couldnt.
- Come on, dont be so stubborn. I can help you..
- Oh ok, i guess thats fair because i fell because of you so you must help me!
- Oh funny now. First didnt want my help and now you say i must help you? tchh you really are rude huh?
Debora was taking him up of the floor and put his arm around her shoulders. They were walking slowly and she asked him for the direction of his house. He explained her and they arrived. He gave her his houses keys, she opened the door and saw that no one was at home.
- Are your parents at work?
- No, i live alone. Why?
- Oh.. nothing. Just to know if you had someone to cure your leg.. but i see that you dont. So ok I do that.
- No, no you can go now. You already helped me. Now, I can take care of my leg alone.
- Sit here - Debora helped him sit on the coach- Where is the bathroom?
- On that corridor- said him pointed to the left- Why?
- Nothing just need to go there. I can use it right?
- Oh.. sure. But dont take too long huh? I need to stop this blood..
- Yes, dont worry.
Debora started to open the drawers that she saw in the bathroom looking for something to cure Juan's leg and found it^^ ethilic alcohol and cotton. She also found a glass there and put water on it. She went back to the living room.
- I'm here now. Show me your leg..
- So that's why you went to the bathroom? But I said I can do that on my own. Why are you helping me? I really dont understand. Didnt you say i was an arrogant this morning??
- Sure, that didnt change.. but i cant leave you like this.. You are hurt.. Come on, let me help you..
- Ok you help me but then i also need to do something for you too. I dont want to own you nothing..
- Ai, you really are.. anyway forget..- Debora put water in a napkin that she saw that was clean on the living room's table and put some of the water there. she started to clean his leg. Then put some ethilic alcohol in his leg and he started to scream..
- Ai, that shit hurts!! Stop that!!
- Sorry, but this is what everyone puts when gets hurt. Stop screaming like a girl will you??
- What?? I'm not doing that.. Just you dont even know how to cure someone's leg thats all..
- Its ok, you can say whatever..- Debora continued to put the alcohol in cotton and then he shut up. Finally, thought her. She continued till all the blood goes away. She put a bandage around his leg and was done.
- Ok, you feel better now right?
- Yes thanks. Now you can go..
- No, not yet. First i need to cook something for you. You cant cook with your leg like this. I will find something and cook it^^
- No, i said for you to go didnt i? Just go..
Debora ignored him and went to kitchen. She looked around and found pasta and some meat. She started to cook that and took her like 30 minutes to finish. She grabbed a plate and put the pasta and the meat there. She went to the living room and saw that he fell asleep.
- Hey..- Debora started to shake a bit his body- wake up.. your food is ready..
- Hum.. what do you want? I was sleeping..- said him half awake half sleeping yet.
- Wake up.. - she shaked him a bit more.
- Ok! What is it?- said him now fully awake.
- Your food! I been cooking for you..
- I wont eat that, maybe you even poisoned that..
- Are you stupid arent you? Ok so if you dont want to eat dont eat then! I'm tired! I been sweet to you all this time and you didnt stop yet to be so arrogant! So is enough for me. Bye!!
Debora was starting to walk away when he said:
- Thanks.. and sorry.. if you want you can eat too..
- You are letting me eat with you? What's this now? From stupid pass to angel now?
- Ok, just forget what i said ok? I dont know in what i was thinking when i suggested that you stayed!
- Now, I stay..- said Debora smiling in a provoquing way.
- You like to provoke me right? You better go really!
- No, no actually i have a better idea. I stay and give you the food bcs that leg almost dont let you move..
- My leg is hurt.. not my hand!
- Yes, but better this way. Come on open your mouth. Say ahh- Debora opened her mouth showing him how he should do.
- No, i refuse to do that..
- Really? Aw you said your hand isnt hurt right?
- Right it isnt dont you see?
Debora grabbed his hand and bit it hadly.
- You stupid, why did you do this?
- This is for this morning.. You didnt apologise so now i also wont apologise sweetie ahah Now seems that i really have to give food to your mouth.. and will film it with my cell ahah so next time you decide to pick on me.. will show this to all your cool friends ahah lets see what they say ahah
- You wouldnt dare!
- Try me!
Debora opened her cell and clicked to film that. She didnt plan to show the video ever but was only to tease him. She then started to give food to his mouth even against his wishes but his other hand also wasnt ok bcs he hurt it on his basketball training that morning. Debora saw that in one of the times to rest that she had on school. She gave it to him and he was refusing at first but then he ate everything. Debora got up to wash the dishes, dried it and went back to living room to say bye to Juan.
- I'm leaving now..
- Yes, finally.. Just go then..
- Yes, take care..
- Thanks.. for helping me.. by the way what do you want me to do for you?
- I dont know yet.. i still have to think what it will be.. but you cant refuse whatever it is huh?
- Yes i know that already..
- Ok good, see ya tomorrow.. dont make many efforts ok?
- Are you my mum? I dont think so.. I know how to take care of myself..
- Ahah Yeah right..
- Tease me and i will change my mind about helping you too..
- Do that.. and everyone in school will see the video of me giving food to your mouth as a baby and saying how your leg hurts ahah
- I know you wouldnt do that..
- Ok, so forget it. Tomorrow when you arrive to school everyone will laugh at you. You chose that.. See ya..
- Ok, ok. Forget what i said. I help you..
- Ahah Like i thought.. Bye bye..
- Bye bye..
Debora left and Juan noticed that in the table was Debora's cellphone. She forgot it. He decided to see the video and delete it but was curious to see how it was. He saw that they ended to laugh together after awhile. He saw that Debora really had a cute smile and beautiful eyes. He decided to pass the video to his cellphone and let it still be in Debora's cell. He now had an excuse to be near that girl that really was getting his heart starts to beat faster..
- Debora, this is my bf Lance^^ baby this is my new friend Debora^^
- Hi Lance^^ nice to meet you^^
- Nice to meet you too Debora^^ I never saw you here before. Is it your first day?
- Yes it is. I just came to this city days ago. I'm happy to have Monica as friend now^^ I was not very comfortable because I was feeling out of place you know?
- Yes thats normal^^ Me too when came to live here past year happened the same but then my baby- Lance looked to Monica with dreamy eyes- made me feel happier to come here^^
Debora was thinking how lucky Monica was to have a very sweet bf and wishing she had the same someday. He was holding her hand and kissing it many times.
- Sorry guys, I gotta go. Nice meeting you Lance^^ and see ya around.
- See ya Debora^^ take care, see ya later.
- See ya tomorrow Debbie, said Monica.
Debora was walking out of school and on her way she saw Juan with two strange guys. She was seeing Juan giving money to them. Ohh, is it drugs what he is buying?- thought her. She decided to hide behind a car and silently tried to listen what they were saying.
- Hey, you are late with the payment. What do you think you are doing? This is the last time this happens huh? Or next time we wont accept it and you are dead. Get it?
- I'm sorry I couldnt find it earlier. I promise that i wont be late again.
- Yes you better! Anyway, take this then.
Debora saw that Juan was grabbing a package with some pills. It was so obvious that he was buying drugs. She decided to wait till the guys go away and steal it from him. She wouldnt let that he took that. She didnt know why exactly but she felt that she needed to help him. They left and she saw Juan grabbing the package and taking one pill. She started to run and when he would put the pill in his mouth she took it from his hand.
- What do you think you are doing? That's mine!
- Not anymore. Why are you buying these stuff? Are you out of your mind?
- What I do or not with my life isn't your business. Why do you even care about what I am doing?
- I dont care of course but i hate people that take drugs. I cant stand that.
- Thats your problem not mine. So if you dont mind give me that pill.
- No, i wont give it..
- Give me that - Juan touched Debora hand and tried to take the pill off of her hand. She stepped back and could take her hand off of his and started to run.
- Hey, come back here! - Juan was running after her too and suddenly fell off and got hurt in his leg. Debora heard the noise and saw how his leg was bleeding and went to help him.
- Are you ok?
- What? Do you think I am ok? Because of you my leg is bleeding cant you see?
- Yes, I can see. I'm sorry. Let me help you..
- I dont need your help. I can get up on my own - Juan was trying to get up but couldnt.
- Come on, dont be so stubborn. I can help you..
- Oh ok, i guess thats fair because i fell because of you so you must help me!
- Oh funny now. First didnt want my help and now you say i must help you? tchh you really are rude huh?
Debora was taking him up of the floor and put his arm around her shoulders. They were walking slowly and she asked him for the direction of his house. He explained her and they arrived. He gave her his houses keys, she opened the door and saw that no one was at home.
- Are your parents at work?
- No, i live alone. Why?
- Oh.. nothing. Just to know if you had someone to cure your leg.. but i see that you dont. So ok I do that.
- No, no you can go now. You already helped me. Now, I can take care of my leg alone.
- Sit here - Debora helped him sit on the coach- Where is the bathroom?
- On that corridor- said him pointed to the left- Why?
- Nothing just need to go there. I can use it right?
- Oh.. sure. But dont take too long huh? I need to stop this blood..
- Yes, dont worry.
Debora started to open the drawers that she saw in the bathroom looking for something to cure Juan's leg and found it^^ ethilic alcohol and cotton. She also found a glass there and put water on it. She went back to the living room.
- I'm here now. Show me your leg..
- So that's why you went to the bathroom? But I said I can do that on my own. Why are you helping me? I really dont understand. Didnt you say i was an arrogant this morning??
- Sure, that didnt change.. but i cant leave you like this.. You are hurt.. Come on, let me help you..
- Ok you help me but then i also need to do something for you too. I dont want to own you nothing..
- Ai, you really are.. anyway forget..- Debora put water in a napkin that she saw that was clean on the living room's table and put some of the water there. she started to clean his leg. Then put some ethilic alcohol in his leg and he started to scream..
- Ai, that shit hurts!! Stop that!!
- Sorry, but this is what everyone puts when gets hurt. Stop screaming like a girl will you??
- What?? I'm not doing that.. Just you dont even know how to cure someone's leg thats all..
- Its ok, you can say whatever..- Debora continued to put the alcohol in cotton and then he shut up. Finally, thought her. She continued till all the blood goes away. She put a bandage around his leg and was done.
- Ok, you feel better now right?
- Yes thanks. Now you can go..
- No, not yet. First i need to cook something for you. You cant cook with your leg like this. I will find something and cook it^^
- No, i said for you to go didnt i? Just go..
Debora ignored him and went to kitchen. She looked around and found pasta and some meat. She started to cook that and took her like 30 minutes to finish. She grabbed a plate and put the pasta and the meat there. She went to the living room and saw that he fell asleep.
- Hey..- Debora started to shake a bit his body- wake up.. your food is ready..
- Hum.. what do you want? I was sleeping..- said him half awake half sleeping yet.
- Wake up.. - she shaked him a bit more.
- Ok! What is it?- said him now fully awake.
- Your food! I been cooking for you..
- I wont eat that, maybe you even poisoned that..
- Are you stupid arent you? Ok so if you dont want to eat dont eat then! I'm tired! I been sweet to you all this time and you didnt stop yet to be so arrogant! So is enough for me. Bye!!
Debora was starting to walk away when he said:
- Thanks.. and sorry.. if you want you can eat too..
- You are letting me eat with you? What's this now? From stupid pass to angel now?
- Ok, just forget what i said ok? I dont know in what i was thinking when i suggested that you stayed!
- Now, I stay..- said Debora smiling in a provoquing way.
- You like to provoke me right? You better go really!
- No, no actually i have a better idea. I stay and give you the food bcs that leg almost dont let you move..
- My leg is hurt.. not my hand!
- Yes, but better this way. Come on open your mouth. Say ahh- Debora opened her mouth showing him how he should do.
- No, i refuse to do that..
- Really? Aw you said your hand isnt hurt right?
- Right it isnt dont you see?
Debora grabbed his hand and bit it hadly.
- You stupid, why did you do this?
- This is for this morning.. You didnt apologise so now i also wont apologise sweetie ahah Now seems that i really have to give food to your mouth.. and will film it with my cell ahah so next time you decide to pick on me.. will show this to all your cool friends ahah lets see what they say ahah
- You wouldnt dare!
- Try me!
Debora opened her cell and clicked to film that. She didnt plan to show the video ever but was only to tease him. She then started to give food to his mouth even against his wishes but his other hand also wasnt ok bcs he hurt it on his basketball training that morning. Debora saw that in one of the times to rest that she had on school. She gave it to him and he was refusing at first but then he ate everything. Debora got up to wash the dishes, dried it and went back to living room to say bye to Juan.
- I'm leaving now..
- Yes, finally.. Just go then..
- Yes, take care..
- Thanks.. for helping me.. by the way what do you want me to do for you?
- I dont know yet.. i still have to think what it will be.. but you cant refuse whatever it is huh?
- Yes i know that already..
- Ok good, see ya tomorrow.. dont make many efforts ok?
- Are you my mum? I dont think so.. I know how to take care of myself..
- Ahah Yeah right..
- Tease me and i will change my mind about helping you too..
- Do that.. and everyone in school will see the video of me giving food to your mouth as a baby and saying how your leg hurts ahah
- I know you wouldnt do that..
- Ok, so forget it. Tomorrow when you arrive to school everyone will laugh at you. You chose that.. See ya..
- Ok, ok. Forget what i said. I help you..
- Ahah Like i thought.. Bye bye..
- Bye bye..
Debora left and Juan noticed that in the table was Debora's cellphone. She forgot it. He decided to see the video and delete it but was curious to see how it was. He saw that they ended to laugh together after awhile. He saw that Debora really had a cute smile and beautiful eyes. He decided to pass the video to his cellphone and let it still be in Debora's cell. He now had an excuse to be near that girl that really was getting his heart starts to beat faster..
sábado, 30 de outubro de 2010
Chapter 2 ^^
My god! thought Debora to herself. Will this guy be my teacher? She was looking surprised to the guy in front of her. He looked like 23 years old. She was 18 and was thinking how a guy like him could be a teacher already. So young. and very handsome too.
- Hi ^^
- oh hi.. said debora embarassed.
- Sit down please^^
- Sure..
Debora looked around and saw a girl smiling at her. She decided to sit near her. She seemed a nice person and she needed to make new friends so.
- Hi^^
- Hi^^ I'm Debora and you?
- I'm Monica. Nice to meet you^^
- Nice meeting you too ^^
Guys, said their teacher, my name is Lee Yun ^^ I will be your korean teacher. Anything you dont understand please tell me and out of classes i will be able to explain you things better in case you need help^^
- Hey, said monica very low, he is a hottie dont you think?
- humm, yes he is..
- Something wrong with you? you seem a bit distracted..
- No, no just thinking in a stupid guy that came against me this morning. he was so arrogant!
- Maybe i know him^^ I study here since 3 years already. How does he look like?
- He is tall, big brown eyes, thin, was wearing a black shirt and tight jeans and..
Debora stopped when she saw that that guy that went against her was in her class. Sitting in the last table near a girl that seemed really cocky...
- Oh, I see. You are looking to Juan.He is the school star. All girls like him but he acts cool i know.That girl beside him is his sister. His twin sister.
- Oh i thought was his gf. seems exactly like him.
- No, he doesnt have a gf. In all these years i never saw him dating any girl. All girls try to approach him but he doesnt give them any chance..
- I dont doubt about that. He was too arrogant. I guess they like him bcs he is handsome only.
- Yes i guess so. No one had the chance to know him closer. He doesnt let it happen.
Girls, said the teacher, this is important^^ You guys talk when class ends ok?
They shut up thinking how nice he was for dont expell them for the class. They listened to all class thinking how cool he was. Debora was even thinking laughng to herself in taking those outside classes even if she didnt need it.
- Hi ^^
- oh hi.. said debora embarassed.
- Sit down please^^
- Sure..
Debora looked around and saw a girl smiling at her. She decided to sit near her. She seemed a nice person and she needed to make new friends so.
- Hi^^
- Hi^^ I'm Debora and you?
- I'm Monica. Nice to meet you^^
- Nice meeting you too ^^
Guys, said their teacher, my name is Lee Yun ^^ I will be your korean teacher. Anything you dont understand please tell me and out of classes i will be able to explain you things better in case you need help^^
- Hey, said monica very low, he is a hottie dont you think?
- humm, yes he is..
- Something wrong with you? you seem a bit distracted..
- No, no just thinking in a stupid guy that came against me this morning. he was so arrogant!
- Maybe i know him^^ I study here since 3 years already. How does he look like?
- He is tall, big brown eyes, thin, was wearing a black shirt and tight jeans and..
Debora stopped when she saw that that guy that went against her was in her class. Sitting in the last table near a girl that seemed really cocky...
- Oh, I see. You are looking to Juan.He is the school star. All girls like him but he acts cool i know.That girl beside him is his sister. His twin sister.
- Oh i thought was his gf. seems exactly like him.
- No, he doesnt have a gf. In all these years i never saw him dating any girl. All girls try to approach him but he doesnt give them any chance..
- I dont doubt about that. He was too arrogant. I guess they like him bcs he is handsome only.
- Yes i guess so. No one had the chance to know him closer. He doesnt let it happen.
Girls, said the teacher, this is important^^ You guys talk when class ends ok?
They shut up thinking how nice he was for dont expell them for the class. They listened to all class thinking how cool he was. Debora was even thinking laughng to herself in taking those outside classes even if she didnt need it.
First chapter^^
- Debora hurry up! You will be late to school!
- Mummy, this is only my first day, dont worry. It isn't a big deal if i arrive late^^
- no Debora, you won't be late in your first day. Finish to eat fast for me to take you there. I need to go to work.
- Ok mummy finished^^ Let's go^^
Debora was in her mum's car thinking how would it be to be in a new school. She didnt know no one there so she was a bit nervous. she was sad bcs left her old friends behind. her mother couldnt take to stay in their previous house since that bad thing happened... so now she really would have to get used to her new life.
- Debora, we are here. good luck for your first day sweetie^^
- Thanks mummy. Don't need to come here later^^ I go home by myself or maybe if I find new friends who knows^^ muah ^^
Debora waved to her mum and got inside of school. she saw a lot of kids in a hurry to enter in classes, other ones relaxing talking with friends. She wished she also had a friend to talk to. she was thinking how alone she was feeling when a guy came against to her and both fell on each other.
- Hey, dont you see where you are going? said debora.
- Hey girl, is you that were in my way. Cant you see that you are in other people way?
-I'm sorry but was you the one not seeing and not me. you should apologise!
- Me? ahah i wont apologise at all. I have better things to do now.
- Oh yeah! Like what?
- Like go meet my cute gf.
- Ahah you have a gf? im sorry but no one could tell ahah
- You are calling me ugly? See yourself first ok?
- I dont doubt how pretty i am. Even you when fell on me were happy inside to see such a cutie like me. Dont deny it!
- In your dreams only..
- Dont worry sweetie. You, only in my nightmares. I wouldnt waste my time with a guy like you ever. anyway ok dont apologise. I need to go to my classes.
- Yes, you better!
Debora walked away thinking how rude that guy was. came against her and neither sorry he said. What a stupid! but actually he was cute.. very cute.. what am i thinking? thought her to herself. he was an ass. Debora entered in her classroom and saw her teacher and almost fell on her knees...
- Mummy, this is only my first day, dont worry. It isn't a big deal if i arrive late^^
- no Debora, you won't be late in your first day. Finish to eat fast for me to take you there. I need to go to work.
- Ok mummy finished^^ Let's go^^
Debora was in her mum's car thinking how would it be to be in a new school. She didnt know no one there so she was a bit nervous. she was sad bcs left her old friends behind. her mother couldnt take to stay in their previous house since that bad thing happened... so now she really would have to get used to her new life.
- Debora, we are here. good luck for your first day sweetie^^
- Thanks mummy. Don't need to come here later^^ I go home by myself or maybe if I find new friends who knows^^ muah ^^
Debora waved to her mum and got inside of school. she saw a lot of kids in a hurry to enter in classes, other ones relaxing talking with friends. She wished she also had a friend to talk to. she was thinking how alone she was feeling when a guy came against to her and both fell on each other.
- Hey, dont you see where you are going? said debora.
- Hey girl, is you that were in my way. Cant you see that you are in other people way?
-I'm sorry but was you the one not seeing and not me. you should apologise!
- Me? ahah i wont apologise at all. I have better things to do now.
- Oh yeah! Like what?
- Like go meet my cute gf.
- Ahah you have a gf? im sorry but no one could tell ahah
- You are calling me ugly? See yourself first ok?
- I dont doubt how pretty i am. Even you when fell on me were happy inside to see such a cutie like me. Dont deny it!
- In your dreams only..
- Dont worry sweetie. You, only in my nightmares. I wouldnt waste my time with a guy like you ever. anyway ok dont apologise. I need to go to my classes.
- Yes, you better!
Debora walked away thinking how rude that guy was. came against her and neither sorry he said. What a stupid! but actually he was cute.. very cute.. what am i thinking? thought her to herself. he was an ass. Debora entered in her classroom and saw her teacher and almost fell on her knees...
Love me now
This story is about a girl that goes to a new school where doesnt know no one but two guys start to be interested in her^^ one of the guys is very sweet and romantic, other one is a bit cold^^ both start to like her but she doesnt know who she must choose...
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